Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Rambling autobiography

I was born in May 27 1999 right before the next millennium in 2000. A famous celebrity turned 9 when I was born. He play's the person Kurt on Glee. I remember having lots of tempertantrums and always throw my head and when I was sitting backwards on a chair and fell off onto a Lego block. I then thought my mom was dead but she was actually passed out. I then went out of get my dad. They lived in separate places. I went out of the apartment and the door locked. I kept knocking on my dads door at 2 in the morning. He finally woke up and told me mom passed out.

 While playing tag kids were throwing utensils around and a fork got lodged in the back of my head. I remember in grade 1 we had a gigantic spelling test and I was the only one who got 100%. In grade 3 we had a test on japaneese words and the equator and north hemisphere. I got 100 percent. Since grade four I have always like football and want to be a football player and hopfully play for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.