Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rambling autobiography

I was born in May 27 1999 right before the next millennium in 2000. A famous celebrity turned 9 when I was born. He play's the person Kurt on Glee. I remember having lots of tempertantrums and always throw my head and when I was sitting backwards on a chair and fell off onto a Lego block. I then thought my mom was dead but she was actually passed out. I then went out of get my dad. They lived in separate places. I went out of the apartment and the door locked. I kept knocking on my dads door at 2 in the morning. He finally woke up and told me mom passed out.

 While playing tag kids were throwing utensils around and a fork got lodged in the back of my head. I remember in grade 1 we had a gigantic spelling test and I was the only one who got 100%. In grade 3 we had a test on japaneese words and the equator and north hemisphere. I got 100 percent. Since grade four I have always like football and want to be a football player and hopfully play for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.  

Thursday 29 November 2012

Top ten video games

Top Ten video games
1. Minecraft
2. Modern Warfare 3
3. Call of duty black ops
4. Call of duty world at war
5. Call of duty 3

6. I movie
7. Animator
8. Street fighter
9. pac man
10. Icy Tower

Thursday 22 November 2012

pie graphs

This circle graph was our basic needs. The four of them were Love, Freedom, Fun and Power. My highest one was fun.
  This pie graph is my multiple iteligence. There was spatail, Intra-personal, Bodily kinesthetic,musical and logical mathematical. logical mathematical and intra-personal were my highest.


My Credo

1. I believe people shouldn't be bullied just for their beleifs.

2. I believe animals shouldn't be abused just for others fun.

3. I believe that everyone has there childly self inside them.

4.I believe everyone should have the freedom to choose to do what they want.

5.I belive there shouldn't be children soldiers killing innocent people and being brainwashed.

6. I believe that animals shouldn't be hunted to be put on your wall.

7. I beleive that if you set your mind to anything you can do it.

8. I believe you shouldn't Go to things, You should let things come to you.

9. I believe everybody is good at doing something.

10. I believe Football is the awesomest sport EVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Comedy bit

To read my bit click here

Tuesday 13 November 2012


to read my reflection and goals click here

Monday 5 November 2012


To read my favorite comedian click  Here

Wednesday 31 October 2012

We day

To read my story click here

Saturday 27 October 2012


To read about my Terra, click here

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Scary story

To read my story click here

Thursday 18 October 2012

Cyber bullying